Being married for about a month and a half has taught me a lot.
1: It's not okay to leave the toilet seat up.
2: Peanut butter sandwiches can't just be peanut butter. There must be another ingredient between those slices of bread before it could ever be called a sandwich.
3: All children are cute. Even the goofy looking ones.
4: I'm an idiot.
5: I am to love Ashley the way God loves me. (Not easy)
In Genesis Adam is given a "helper" called Eve. I've
only heard stories, but supposedly she was a babe.

God being a God of patterns, gave Man someone to love. We learn as men how to love by the people He puts in our lives. Right now the greatest example of that in my life is my wife.

We are the Bride of God. This definitely brings new meaning now that I am married. It's hard to imagine that we as believers will nag God for not rinsing off His dishes when He puts them in the sink, but who knows. I have been thinking about this a lot actually. I have heard people call the Bible a love letter from the Almighty. Seeing His Covenants with His people and what they mean to Him puts that theory into a new light for me.
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